Our Team

Training and Consulting



What is Baseera membership?

It is a cooperation program between Insight Foundation for educational and educational consulting and a group of facilitators who hold the accreditation of a facilitator in teaching philosophical thinking P4C from Insight & DialogueWorks. The cooperation aims to provide workshop bags in teaching philosophical thinking (P4C) for children, youth and adults, with curricula approved by Baseera.

Membership privileges

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

Membership acceptance criteria

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

Membership Steps

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

How to join Baseera Friends?

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher

How do you get a Practitioner Credential in Teaching Philosophical Reasoning p4c?

We teach children philosophy through the tools of philosophical thinking in the P4C methodology instead of telling them about any specific philosophical theory or the history of philosophy or mentioning any philosopher